Picking up the mantle of the original golden age comic book legacy, the silver age of comics that began in the mid-1950's, really hit its stride in the long-haired hippie-type, pinko-fag era of the 1960's with the emergence of Marvel Comics and the transformation of staid rival DC Comics that occurred near the end of the freelove decade in response to Marvel's incredible publishing surge.
Cut to today, where established artist Juan "Johnny" Ortiz and several of his talented cronies have quietly been issuing a title known simply as Silver Comics. Both an homage to the classic age of the same name and a refreshing alternative to the grim & gritty, entirely-too-adult-themed shee-ite that DC and Marvel dump in mass quantities on the stands these days, Silver Comics President & Publisher Ortiz and Vince Musacchia (Dr. Monster), Dan Beltran (Capt. Rescue), Ruben Procopio (Chameleon Man), Chris Roberts (the Silver Comics logo), Bryan Mon (Sea-Bolt/Tuff-Girl), Merrill Hagan and Dennis Rau offer something that may be more suitable for "true" fans of the comic art form like me who've become jaded by the darkening of the comics genre. Aiding this wonderful gang of miscreants on covers and interior pin-ups are some very well known comics icons such as: Frank Brunner, Nick Cardy, George Tuska, Dick Giordano, Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Alex Toth, Russ Heath, George Perez and Steve Rude. Other fun characters that you'll meet within the pages of various issues of Silver Comics are Cloud Buster, The Man Called Santa, Man-Star and The End.
Based on the photo (above) of noted motion picture critic Leonard Maltin, he certainly appreciates Silver Comics efforts, so please give 'em a read, will ya'!
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