While admittedly not as serious as China's attempt to poison the youth of America with lead contaminated toys and baby items, the Chinese continue to act more like a country at war with the U.S. than one at peace.
All of this comes in the wake of the U.S.A.’s discovery of tons of imported Chinese food items that were contaminated with pesticides, and literally tons of tainted pet food containing melamine, a chemical contained in plastics and fertilizers.
Not to mention, the Chinese government previously denying entry to port for a U.S. vessel seeking safe harbor from a dangerous sea-storm.
Well, that EARNS the China the “Bad Conduct” Award; henceforth known as the Chop-Chop in honor of a golden age great who’s not likely to be revived anytime soon - - - for obvious reasons.
Strangely appropriate for this situation though. Cover images [above;left] taken from Quality Comics Blackhawk #18 (Spring 1948), Blackhawk #22 (December 1948) and Blackhawk #31 (June 1950).
[Why the hell we continue to do business with certain countries is beyond me. I say declare a moratorium on all inbound Chinese goods for a year or two and see how they fare, temporarily, without our considerable financial assistance. And we could always seize any Chinese assets stateside as recompense for their “undeclared economic assault”.]