If you haven't heard, the perpetually late series has ultimately lost Mr. Cho, as he has left the series after completing the 6th issue. Reportedly each issue was taking poor Frank about ten weeks to complete. What a whiner! I mean twenty-two pages of comics illustration averages out to only three pages a week at that rate.
Sadly, for our pal Frank, I can't imagine Jack Kirby, John Romita, Big John Buscema, Don Heck, Dick Ayers, Steve Ditko, Marie Severin, or anybody else from the former House of Ideas complaining too damn much about the generous amount of time Herr Cho was allotted to turn in his "heavy" workload. Frank's problem comes down to one simple thing. Overcommitment!
He put his own Liberty Meadows on hold to tackle his various Marvel stuff, but there never seemed to be a single week during his time on Mighty Avengers, where some new Cho-stuff wasn't solicited. Covers or t-shirts for convention programs, limited editions prints, uhm, Jungle Girl for another publisher [which truth be told, is nothing more than a rip-off of his own Marvel title, Shanna the She-Devil].
So, yes, I remain grudgingly a Frank Cho fan, but please - Frank - buddy - henceforth, how about a little .... FOCUS.
Only George Perez could maintain the kind of workload that you attempted, and he even injured himself doing it - albeit late in his career. You're still a young guy, dude!
And about that [photo; above], Frank is lovingly caressing the mighty fine rear end of LianaK, a Canadian television entertainer who hosts the talk show, Ed's Night Party and travels to comic conventions in various costumes that show off her "assets." Lovely Liana Kerzner regularly posts on Frank's own Apes & Babes forum. Hell, I gotta say that for the lucky Mr. Cho, his getting to perform a pat down on the curvy cutie amounts to some seriously cool fringe benefits.
oh yes Frank cho rules
I knew about his liberty medows stuff but the first thing i got was Shanna the She-Devil.
babes and dinosaurs both drawn with a lot of love
what's not to love?
Look at that ass!
I just started picking up the series and now I find out, after the cliffhanger in the last collected volume (4) that it's postponed. WTF'ing'F!
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