It's really a no-brainer folks!
Go to your local comic shop this Saturday, May 1, 2010 and receive specially printed copies of free comic books, and some of these retailers will also offer cheap or reduced price back issues and other discounted items to anyone who visits their establishments.
This is the ninth year of this increasingly popular event. Free Comic Book Day has often been tied to the release of a major theatrical film adaptation of a well known superhero property. Iron Man 2 opens next Friday, and this allows participating retailers to take advantage of the film industry's heavy promotion and related press about the comic book medium.
This year my party will be visiting Heroes Aren't Hard To Find in Charlotte, North Carolina for their annual FCBD bash, which includes appearances by guest artists such as MARK BROOKS (Amazing Spider-Man), CHRIS BRUNNER (Legends of the Dark Knight, Loose Ends), NATHAN EDMONDSON (The Light, Olympus), IAN FLYNN (Sonic the Hedgehog), SANFORD GREENE (Wonder Girl, Method Man), CULLY HAMNER (Detective Comics, Red), ADAM HUGHES (Wonder Woman, Tomb Raider), JASON LATOUR (Loose Ends, The Expatriate), BUDD ROOT (Cavewoman), TOM LYLE (Amazing Spider-Man), ANDY SMITH (Nevermore, Superman Confidential), ALLISON SOHN (Lord of the Rings: Evolution) and BRIAN STELFREEZE (Batman, The Ride).
This year, Heroes famous FCBD soiree will tie into an opening day event at Charlotte’s Twenty-Two gallery! "Super: The Fine Art of Comics" will exhibit some of today’s best comic art, put together with Shelton Drum (Heroes founder) and the artists of HeroesCon’s past and present! Running throughout the month of May, the exhibit is set to hold it's closing reception, right after Day 1 of this summers annual Heroes Convention on June 4, 2010!