Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fantomah in "The Revenge of Zomax" (Fiction House;1941)

Fantomah, Mystery Woman of the Jungle, is such an interesting golden age character that I should really post her stories much more often. "The Revenge of Zomax" is from Jungle Comics #14 (Feb.1941); originally published by Fiction House. This story written and illustrated by Fletcher Hanks (as Barclay Flagg) shows how Fantomah prevents the evil Zomax from killing all of the jungle animals with a cool-looking tidal wave of his own creation. The neat cover art is by George Appel.

The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.



  1. Thanks so much for printing a fletcher Hanks story! I first saw Fletcher hanks as a reprint in RAW magazine and have been avidly seeking out more stuff by him, and when I do find something, I'm never disappointed!
    About this story - this has got to be the best villain origin of all time! Great stuff and thanks again!

  2. A tidal wave also features in the Stardust story which appeared in Fantastic Comics #3.

    As others have said before me, it's hard simply to condemn Zomax's response to a remarkably bad day.

  3. Howdy,

    Thanks for posting this story. Love his strange and wonderful storytelling. His world was as unique as Basil Wolvertons.
    You can't go wrong owning both of the books reprinting Fletcher Hanks stories.

    Brian Riedel

  4. Thanks for the kind words about my Fletcher Hanks books, Brian. The two volumes collect all of the stories of Fletcher Hanks (minus one) and can be had cheaply on eBay these days. I still have a handful of Fantomah and Stardust t-shirts for sale over at

    -Paul Karasik

  5. I'm gonna have to go visit that website!!

  6. This Zomax guy is a little bit unlucky, to say the least. I mean, a lion 'rips his flesh to the bone', then a 'man-hating elephant' spies (?) him and tosses him into a pool full of POISONOUS gnats, afterwards a constrictor 'crushes several of his bones' and finally (as if it wasn't enough)apes proceed to torture him for months. And after all this he's still alive. But hey, dont misunderstand me, I like the general senselessness.

  7. Oh, and of course, thanks for sharing.
