The series follows the lives of two homicide detectives assigned to investigate cases involving people with superhuman abilities, who are referred to colloquially as "powers". Foulkes is set to play the first victim that is investigated by the detectives, so her appearance will be short and sweet. Hopefully this will lead to additional work for the budding actress who just celebrated her 22nd birthday.
Foulkes is very engaging in her T-Mobile commercials, primarily due to a high degree of femininity, and that smoking slender frame. She's been in my radar for quite a while now and I'm really pleased to add her to the Catacombs archives as this weeks official "gal" Friday selection. Yummy!
ReplyDeleteI concur..with whatever..
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. What?
Me likey!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more! Carly is a beauty.