Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sheena, Queen of the Jungle in "The Skin of Leeta" (Fiction House;1939)

Friends, I'm going out of sequence this week with my "Top 10 Defunct Comic Book Publishers" series (which will shift to tomorrow), and serving up a special treat. Here is the golden age story that shows how Sheena, Queen of the Jungle first came to adopt her signature outfit. The untitled story that I've christened "The Skin of Leeta" is from Jumbo Comics #10 (Oct-Nov.1939); originally published by Fiction House. The writing credit belongs to W. Morgan Thomas and the artwork is by Bob Powell, but also check out this issues neat pulpish, sci-fi cover by the great Lou Fine which I'm including as a bonus reward for enduring today's last minute switcheroo.

I think that it's pretty nifty seeing how Sheena gets her leopard costume after boyfriend Bob (not Mr. Powell) kills a ferocious leopard named Namu. The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publishers and/or the creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.


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