Three for Tuesday! The serialized adventures of creator/writer/editor Irving Crump's "Og, Son of Fire", concludes this week with three back-to-back strips from The Funnies #12, #13 and #14 (Sept-Oct-Nov.1937); originally published by Dell. Artist Stephen Slesinger provides illustrations that are re-purposed in color from an original black & white 1936 Big Little Book version copyrighted to Slesinger. Dell serialized "Og, Son of Fire" in issues of "The Funnies" from January to November of 1937 (comprising issues 4-14 in two page snippets). Hope you enjoyed this esoteric run of strips!
The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: the copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.
I just ran across your posts of OG SON OF FIRE from THE FUNNIES. You state that the art is by Stephen Slesinger. However Slesinger was only the packager, having licensed the character from Irving Crump. The art is actually the work of Kevin Royt. I've been a fan and collector of Og since I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteThat is some damned good info! I don't recall the source of my disinformation, but at the time I originally posted this, I went with what I had - - - right or wrong.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely do not mind being corrected as appropriate, and truly thank you for helping steer the credits properly!