Friday, November 16, 2012

In Memorium: Ray Zone

Ray Zone, the "King of 3-D Comics", passed away on November 13, 2012 at the age of sixty-five in Los Angeles. Zone was a pioneer in methods of converting flat images (in particular, comic books) into a stereoscopic format; additionally he was an author and film producer. He began working in comic books in 1983 and his early collaborations with Jack C. Harris and Steve Ditko drew the attention of Archie Goodwin, who recruited him to work with John Byrne on “Batman 3-D”, a full-length 1990 graphic novel. Ray Zone produced 3-D adaptations of art for over 150 comics, for such diverse publishers as PACIFIC COMICS, AARDVARK-VANAHEIM, BLACKTHORNE PUBLISHING, RENEGADE PRESS, ECLIPSE COMICS, KITCHEN SINK PRESS, COMICO, D.C. COMICS, WALT DISNEY PUBLISHING, IDW, INNOVATION, IMAGE COMICS, RAW STUDIOS, TwoMORROWS PUBLISHING and his own self-published imprint, THE 3-D ZONE. The Catacombs extends its sincerest condolences to his family friends and fans.

1 comment:

  1. So sad to read. Thank you for posting the news, Chuck.
    I still have all my 3-D comics from Ray Zone. They bring back wonderful memories and I enjoy showing them to my children. Rest in peace, Ray.
