The Adventures of Tintin is a series of comic books created by Belgian artist Hergé, the pen name of Georges Remi (1907–1983). The series which first appeared in 1929, has been a favorite of readers and critics alike for over 70 years.
Set in a painstakingly researched world closely mirroring our own, The Adventures of Tintin presents a number of characters in distinctive settings. The hero of the series is a young Belgian reporter and traveller. He is aided in his adventures by his faithful dog Snowy (Milou in French). Later, additions to the cast included Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus and other colorful supporting characters.
The success of the series saw the serialized strips collected into a series of albums (23 in all), spun into a successful magazine and adapted for both film and theatre. Tintin is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century, with translations published in over 50 languages and more than 200 million copies of the books sold to date.
The series has long been admired for its clean, expressive drawings and its engaging, well-researched plots straddle a variety of genres: swashbuckling adventures with elements of fantasy; mysteries; political thrillers; and science fiction. The stories within the Tintin adventures always feature slapstick humor; offset later by sophisticated satire and political/cultural commentary.
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