Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Comic Book Catacombs Gets "Ranked"!

The Comic Book Catacombs recently entered in at number 260 in the Wikio Literature blog category rankings, (this is one of the new categories created by Wikio for the month of October). Wikio is "the number 1 news aggregator and blog-indexing website in Europe, indexing nearly 200,000 English-language sources," so the Catacombs is very honored to be included so high on this list.

Charbel Sfeir, Wikio Community Executive for the US, emailed me the good news yesterday and I noticed that Karswell's THOIA blog (click & visit "The Horrors of it All" over in my links section) also ranked #116, so congratulations to him as well.

1 comment:

Mr. Karswell said...

Congrats on this too Chuck! I've been trying to catch up on your posts here, I had a car accident last month and it really knocked me outta the blogger loop for awhile.