As you can see, there were some mixed emotions present among the mighty members of the Justice League of America upon hearing of Warner Bros. Studios likely delay on the proposed movie version of their venerable team.
Justice League producers and Warner Bros. will decide whether to begin shooting from the script "as-is"or backburner the whole project until after the Hollywood writers' strike. Warner Bros. has to make the call by tomorrow – January 15th – in order to green light the film for a spring production start for a summer 2009 release, or else shelve it (along with any rewrite) until after the pesky strike is resolved. Adding insult-to-injury, the sequel to Superman Returns has been pushed back to 2010 (also due to the writer’s strike).
Only the Man of Steel, already heavily burdened by his awesome duties, appears to relish the extra downtime that this eventuality will allow him to enjoy over the next couple of years.
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