Today's classic golden age story comes from Daredevil Comics #1 (July 1941); originally published by Lev Gleason. The original Daredevil (a death-defying chap if ever there was one) joins forces with a handful of other Lev Gleason action stars to take on Der Fuhrer himself and the third chapter of that epic battle called "Fighting Hitler and His Jungle Hordes", co-starred a jungle lord of a different stripe, the colorfully-clad Lance Hale. The credits all seem to belong to the late Charles Biro for this fine tale, and the memorable cover illustration is included as a nifty bonus in honor of this weekends 4th of July celebration..
Today is also my youngest daughters seventeenth birthday, so "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STACY!!"
The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: the copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.
Happy Birthday, Stacy!
I love that cover! I've always thought that cover was an absolute classic. You know, I actually priced that issue recently, just to find out how far out of the realm of possibility it is for my collection. It's pretty far out there, alright. A found a copy graded 7.0 by CGC for $5,639.00.
wonderful story--full of imagination, both graphics-wise and narrative-wise! Well, at least I enjoyed the heck out of it! I dunno, does everyone (in the comics community--what we used to call "fandom") get the same large charge that I do? I hope so, cuz it's a lot of fun!!! Many thanks for sharing this with us...I think I might have seen this before, YEARS ago, but that doesn't stop me from looking at it with fresh eyes now!
Thanks again,
Thanks =link! I tend to focus on classic jungle oriented comics, which isn't how things started out around here, but courtesy of Don Falkos, I have a huge library of the stuff and it fills a nice nitch hereabouts that's not satisfied by the other bloggers in my links section - for the most part.
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