Since I've mentioned that I had been feeling a little under the weather lately, and with the sad news of comic book legend Will Elder's passing, I though that it might reassure some of you folks that I am rebounding from my recent bout of spring flu.
As you can see, even here in the Catacombs, a couple of hotties can really help a guy rally from behind. When word went out that I had been feeling a bit stiff, these cute comics fans quickly prostrated themselves in a valiant effort to revive me. To my credit, I advised the young ladies that while I was feeling somewhat shaky, that all I really needed to do was to get something straight between us, before they administered their own unique form of healing prowess.
Well let me tell you, once they got their tender hands on me, I soon felt much more inflated than I had previously. I definitely rose to the occasion!
I must say Chuck, from the photo you are looking better and definitely much more healthy.
Yeah, there's really only one kind of medicine that works for me, and it doesn't matter what her name is.
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