From the Associated Press:
"Dexter" star Michael C. Hall says he was diagnosed with cancer and is on the road to the successful completion of treatment.
In a statement Wednesday, Hall said he was fortunate to be diagnosed with a "treatable and curable condition," Hodgkin's lymphoma, and thanked his doctors and nurses for their expertise. The name of the Los Angeles area health facility where he has undergone treatment was not released.
Craig Bankey, a spokesman for the actor, said the disease is in complete remission and Hall's treatment will continue as planned.
The 38-year-old Hall plans to attend Sunday's Golden Globe Awards with his wife, actress Jennifer Carpenter, and the upcoming Screen Actors Guild ceremony. He's a nominee at both awards shows for his role as a serial killer in Showtime's "Dexter."
Bankey said Hall will return to production on the drama's fifth season later this year.
The Catacombs sends its fondest regards to Mr. Hall on his continued recovery. I can sympathize with his predicament since I'm over six years into full remission from the same type of cancer and am very grateful that early detection and treatment saved my life. Hodgkin's can be a stealth-type of cancer, since often there is no pain involved with symptoms. In my case, a spot of unusual swelling in my neck became noticeable to my ex-wife and she nagged me into going and having it checked out. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable, so if it had been up to me, I would have ignored it. At least, she did right by me in that instance. Don't take your health for granted nerds, get weird shit checked out.
Chuck: Mest of luck to Mr. Hall; and much applause to your ex for being such a nag! -- Mykal
Here's my opportunity to slip in and tell all you guys over 40 to get your prostate checked. It's been 11 months since I had my cancerous prostate removed and I'm fully recovered.
Will do, Pappy (I'm a bit . . . well, a decade and change over 40)! Good on you!! -- Mykal
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