The second spooky tale from Strange Terrors #6 (Jan.1953) also features work by an unidentified writer & artist.
Murder, mayhem and greed go hand in hand in "The Amusement Park Terror", which shows what happens when one persons obsession turns into something much more macabre. Plus a young married couple may discover that their inheritance is far more trouble than it's worth!
This is one Strange Terrors issue that has alluded me Chuck, glad to see you're posting all of it!
Also, I plugged you on my new blog (in the comments) of a new Super Duck halloween post...
Thanks for the mention, Karswell!
I looked long and hard for a spooky old comic that you hadn't already featured, so I'm glad that I'm at least able to return the favor for the many dark pleasures I've enjoyed over at THOIA.
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