I've got four interviews waiting in the queue or rather, I am waiting on four interviews to post here in the Catacombs. I have an upcoming dual interview of writer Chuck Dixon and artist Sergio Cariello, that touches on a pair of exciting projects these fine creators are currently shopping around - hoping to be published. Chuck Dixon's portion of that posting is already in my hot little hands, and I'm hoping that Sergio will forward his half in the next few days. Um, pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top.
Francesco Francavilla has also agreed to a crossover interview, but he just got hit with some new work that may delay that one - at least for a short while. In the meantime, check out his "Pulp Sunday" blog over in my links section.
Now, if only Joe Jusko would "finally" uncork his interview and send it on over. Joe is a busy guy. BUSY!! Still, he promised that he would get it to me when I spoke to him at the Heroes Convention earlier in the month. PS: I've only been waiting on that one since last year.
And you guys think that I sit on my dead arse deep in the Catacombs twiddling my thumbs. Not really! For today, console yourselves with this awesome new commission piece by the great John Byrne. The lucky owner requested Batman versus some of Spidey's most fearsome foes. Enjoy!
Jeez, I forgot to mention. What you have on tap sounds great!!
What an awesome drawing by Byrne. The Rhino is my all time favorite Hulk/Spiderman bad buy, and Byrne's Rhino is just fantastic!
That is some FREAKING AWESOME art right there, Chuck - Damn, I wish I could afford Byrne!
And I'm looking forward to shose interviews, man!
Sounds interesting. I like Francavilla's artwork and love his Pulp Sunday pages. He's a great colorist too, a multiple threat. Would love to see someone pick up his Black Beetle stuff.
Awesome. Looking forward to Joe Jusko. Fantastic artist. I recently bought his art book and the DVD.
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