This "killer" story from the March 1953 issue of Web of Evil #3 was forwarded my way by Karswell over at THOIA. The Horrors Of It All is running a spiffy "Sci-Fi Horrors Week", so to enjoy some really cool outer space (and other) hijinks's just zap on over to his blog.
Sort of like the later Kirby Monster-ramas we all love, ain't it? I think some people might feel the ending is lame, but that lil guy behind bars flexing his muscles cracks me up, and is probably more relatable to many of us whether we'd like to admit it or not...
Thanks again for hosting Chuck!
I heartily concur with your spot on assessment, Karswell, and this is now the second sci-fi tale that you've sent me that I have just really adored.
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