Trailers for this summers Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen are already up and running and the sequel to director Michael Bay's hit "Transformers" appears to have some dynamite action sequences. Actress Megan Fox returns in the role of Mikaela Banes opposite Shia LeBeuf as Sam Witwicky. Now as cool as those action sequence glimpses are, the lecherous side of me simply can't wait to drool over the super-sexy Ms. Fox. Wow! What a babe.
Tattoo's and all, she is one of the hottest that Hollyweird has at the moment. I like the fact that she looks like she is ready to get down and dirty at the drop of a hat, and that puts her ounce-for-ounce at the top of the cheesecake food chain. Yummy!
Bless you Mr. Wells! I totally agree with you. Miss Fox oozes sultriness. Is that a real word? Who cares...she's blisteringly hot.
I need a cold shower.
That cold shower won't work, Sammy. I'm still in a wretched state and I've already had a couple of showers myself.
Ms. Fox makes my tongue sweat!
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